Sunday, January 3, 2010

We're Back!!! Dublin Day 1

Hey, my husband and I are finally back from our trip to Dublin and Chicago. We had such a great time and can't wait to go on our next vacation. It is always so strange to leave for 2 weeks, visit a new places, create a travel routine and then return to your normal life. I am so not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow!

Luckily our trip to Europe went smoothly, although the ride over there was very long. We flew Aerlingus...Yes, Aerlingus! That plane was so old that the seats still had ashtrays built into them and the seats were butt sprung (if you don't know what that means, scroll to earlier blogs, I have already covered that topic). The food was disgusting! I know that all plane food is bad, but this was just terrible. Despite all that, we made it to Dublin in one piece.

It was so difficult to get adjusted to the time change that we had a very hard time sleeping through the night. Not to mention that I was sick right before we left for our trip. So, the first day we got there we took a nap, which is the wrong thing to do when you are trying to adjust to a new time, and then went out for dinner. I woke up only after 4 hours of sleep and could not get back to sleep to save my life. By the time we got up, the room service lady was waking us up to clean our room...

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