Monday, January 18, 2010


This was one crazy day/night. We woke up kinda late because we were so tired. As soon as we woke up, we headed out to buy some paint and buy more painting supplies we needed. We hurried home and began to paint our "old" apartment. Unfortunately we did not get very far because we had to go out and celebrate not only my husbands birthday but our friends, Ivan and Ruben. We all met at the Yard House in the newly built up area of Town and Country. The food is really good but it's become so popular that it was super busy and loud. Eitherway we had a good time with our friends. Afterwards we headed to the Monalisa right next door which is the in the new Sorella hotel. Unfortunately we had to leave because it was so packed we could not even get a drink. We headed off to Absinthe were we were able to find a little room where we hung out the entire night. Ivan has the G1 phone from TMobile and they have this really cool application that lets you know which song you are listening to. Needless to say we made it into a drinking game. Whoever named the song and or artist made everyone else drink. I really did not get drunk but stuffed because I was drinking Shiner Bock the entire time! We were there until we got kicked out by the bar staff. So we get home and decided to watch a Lost episode. Unfortunately for me, I had nightmares the entire night! It was horrible. It is either the fact that I was beyond stuffed or our place smells like paint, or both! Anyway, that was our Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. The app for anyone that has an android phone is "Shazaam"...
    We should of had a Rummikube night, but all that food made me really sleepy...we had a blast though!
