Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 7

This was our last full day in Dublin and it was bitter sweet. We decided to hit the last spots on our map that we had not had a chance to visit. First off was the hospital, which in the museum of fine arts. This was the first modern hospital which looks nothing like the hospitals we have now. Unfortunately for us, it was closed (enter sad face here). So we decided to enjoy the garden right next door, which was frozen over. LOL. Either way it was amazing.

Look familiar? If you don't recognize it, then you need to visit Herman Park.

Next, we headed over to the first modern prison ever built. Prior to the building of this prison, prisoners where all locked together in a cell. This included women, the elderly, children, and men. In order for these prisoners to get closer to God and think about their crimes (instead of lounging around with other criminals) a prison was built where every prisoner would get his or her own cell. Unfortunately, due to over crowding, those single cells were quickly filled with more than one person. One of the many cools items that were displayed was the log book with each prisoners name and offence. Just about every offence was either pick pocketing, steeling food, or attempting to commit either offence. The youngest person to ever get locked up was an 8 year old child. Offense: stealing food. Aside from being a prison,this was also a place were public and private executions took place. While some prisoners were executed via a firing squad, some where publicly hung for all of Dublin to see. It is said that people would travel from all over Ireland just to partake in this "pass time". If fact, some of the executed are buried on the prison grounds.

Next, we decided to visit St. Patrick's Cathedral. It was an amazing place! This is definitely worth visiting. It has a very cold and old feel as opposed to some of the "newer" churches which are lighter and have a more welcoming feel.

Flags so old they are falling apart!

Afterwards we headed back to the center of town to have our "last dinner" in Dublin. We had Thai food. Yes Thai! It was so good! Delish. Believe it or not, it was difficult to find authentic Irish food in Dublin. There are a lot of foreign restaurants with a lot of foreigners working there. I bring this up because it is next to impossible to get a work visa in Europe. Any who...afterwards we headed to the Ferryman. The Ferryman was a bar right down the street from our hotel. And this is how we spent our 7Th and last day in Dublin...

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