Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 6

...We were able to get away from the hustle and bustle of Dublin and escape to Howth. Howth is about 30 minutes (by train) north of Dublin. As soon as we got off the train platform and on to the streets of Howth, we realised that it was a very special place, despite the freezing temperatures.

The first thing we did was to eat breakfast, and let me tell you, it was delicious!!!

Then we walked around the town and managed to get to the light house.

After freezing our butts off, we decided to head back to Dublin and try our luck with the Jameson distillery. Now, I write "try our luck" because everything was closed during the holiday. To our surprise, we managed to get there right on time and for the last tour. I am not a big whiskey fan, but I really enjoyed the tour. First they show you a video about how Jameson came to be and the creator of the whiskey. Then, the tour guide walks you around and shows you how the whiskey is made now and why Jameson is the "best" whiskey around. At the end of the tour people are selected to taste test 3 different whiskeys. Of course just about everyone chose Jameson.

I would say this day was a success! What do you think?...

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