Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 3, Christmas Eve

...Getting up that day was difficult, but somehow we managed to drag our butts out of bed. Our first mission was to buy groceries for the following day, since everything (and I mean everyting) was going to be closed. Since it was Christmas Eve and we thought everything was going to be closed, we decided to hit the 2 major parks in the city. This gave us the opportunity to see the other part of the city that we would otherwise not visit.

The pond if covered in ice not trash, by the way.

Unbeknownst to us, the city was full with excitement and last minute shopping. It was like the entire city of Dublin was out and about. I was really tempted to shop!!!! Instead I settled for promenading through the cobbled streets.

I love how they decorate their display windows.

We were able to find a great cafe where we had a really good cup of coco and a delicious croissant. We met a lady from the Bronx that had been living Dublin for 15 years with her husband. We would not have been able to tell she was from the US if it was not for the fact that she told us herself. She had lived there for so long, she now had an Irish accent.

For dinner we were able to slip into a Thai restaurant. It was delish! I felt a little out of place, because everyone was dressed to impress and I was dressed for comfort. Either way, we had an amazing time. After that, I was pooped! We went straight to the hotel, dropped off our stuff in the room, and headed straight for the lobby bar...

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