Monday, January 25, 2010


Hi ya'll. Today is the day we sign the lease! I am so excited. This weekend we managed to pack a lot of our stuff and picked out two shades of grey we would like to paint our new place. Today we are going to sign our lease and try out the two shades on the wall and determine a winner. Last night, while I was packing our dishes, I found wedding gifts we had not had an opportunity to use. I can't wait to use them!!! What are they you ask? Well, a fondue set, salad dishes and a few more other things. I can't wait!!! And yes, that does mean I am going to cook. LOL. We also found a new restaurant down the street from our new place that we are so ready to try it out. We are supposed to have a few friends over this weekend to help us paint, so hopefully all the painting will be done by Sunday. The movers are scheduled for Sunday 8:00 am. They are going to move all the furniture and some of the bigger boxed. I don't, however, trust them move some of the kitchen boxed. I am afraid that they will break all the "new" dishes I just found. My poor husband is trying to convince me to let them take these three small boxes with very fragile dishes but I can't bring myself to let them move them. Oh well.

We were also very disappointed because I had found this great chandelier online. When we went to the store to check it out in person, we found out that it was a piece a crap! So, my husband and I have decided to try and make one of our own. This is not a traditional chandelier, this is supposed to be a very modern and less expensive than the $300 the other one was priced. I am not sure how this is going to turn out or what it will look like, but I will make sure to keep you updated. LOL!

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