Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 8

...Off to the Airport. I was dreading getting back on a plane. This was right after that guy who tried to blow up the airplane by setting the explosive off on his crotch. What an idiot! Any who, I knew this meant we were going to go through extra security, which meant we had to get to the airport a lot earlier than usual. So we get there and go the "normal" security and I though "that was not that bad." As we are walking through the airport, I notice that it looks more like a mall. They had really cool stores and traditional style pubs! So we are looking for our terminal and we would not fine it. Our terminal was something like, terminal 12, but there was not terminal 12, right. Finally with the help from someone who worked there. Well, as it turns out, we could not find terminal 12 because it was down some stairs past immigration. This terminal looked like crap! Nothing like the other terminals headed to other parts of the world. LOL. As we are boarding we are told that we have to go through a more rigorous screening because we were flying to America. All passengers were placed in tow lines, men and women. My husband and I each took a bag and got into our lines. The lady who searched me was totally cool and nice so overall my experience was pleasant. My husband was searched by another man who then proceeded to take out my bag of tampons and question my husband on the contents of the bag, in front of everyone! My husband then replied with "You don't know what those are? They are my tampons, my wife and I shared a bag". Needless to say his search ended rather fast after that. So we board the plane and endured a 9 hr flight.

We arrived at Chicago and headed for our hotel: The Palmer House. OMG! Loved it!...

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