Monday, December 7, 2009

Uncouth Blog I know this is a very taboo subject in the female world but I just want to get the men's perspective. I was at work today and I walked into the restroom which was suprisingly full or at least more than usual. As I walked in, this lady in one of the stall let one rip. I was mortified for her but at the same time, I was relieved that I was not in one of the stalls so at least everyone knew it was not me! For a split second every other women in the restroom just paused and pretended it did not happen. That same day as I was in the restroom, again (I drank a lot of water today), along with one other lady who was doing her thing in her stall. Needless to say, she farted, but it was one of those that slipped and she managed to get it under control. We both exited our stalls at the same time and we locked eyes. It was kinda like, yeah I know I did it, I am so embarrassed, but lets pretend it did not happen. Now for the most part women DON'T talk about farting or anything that takes an exited from that part of the body. To tell you how far that goes let me tell you this story. I was at a friends house and we were sitting on her couch just talking and watching TV. Suddenly she lets one slip and I was so embarrassed for her that I literally pretended that it did not happen, even though we both heard it and she knew I knew it happened. Now I am used to men farting, my father, cousins, friends but for some reason when it's another women we're like "whoa, what happened here?" It's like our brains have to reboot and start from the beginning. Do men just fart around each other without a care or do you guys get embarrassed as well? Let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know hon, when guys are in the restroom, it's like the "safe zone." We just let em' rip- no need to judge.
