Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting Ready for Our Big Trip

Ok. So we have been so busy with our daily lives that we are just now getting ready for our trip! First we are headed off to Dublin to celebrate Christmas, then we are flying to Chicago to for New Years. Because we are making multiple stops and because airlines now charge an arm and a leg to check in bags, we have decided to only take carry on luggage. So that means that I have had to go out and buy everything I usually use on a daily basis in small containers. It's really not that much, just your usual: contact solution, tooth paste, saline solution for my nose (my nose dries up when I fly, I know TMI), and baby wipes (they always come in handy). Since we are staying in a pretty modern hotel we are not taking shampoo or conditioner (on second thought I may take my conditioner) and will use the hotel's. Let's see what else...Oh yeah. So I HATE taking cabs from the airport to my hotel any time I travel. I have been royally screwed by taxi drivers, mainly in Italy (I'll explain some other time) and therefore avoid using them at all cost. I also don't like to take public transportation with all my luggage because it is easier for pick pockets to attack and it can get annoying and emotionally draining looking for your hotel with all your bags in tow. What my husband and I have done in the past is arranged for pick up service from the airport to our hotel. It can get costly but well worth the money when you by pass all the taxis (HAHAHA!!!) get in the car and get to your hotel within 30-45 minutes of arriving. I did try arranging for pick up service but our hotel does not offer it and they were not helpful in finding a limo service (NO, we don't get limos, mostly town cars or whatever they can pick us up in). The receptionist kept referring to the taxis and how that was a better choice. After a while I got sick of arguing and let it go. The I tried finding a limo service on line and even requested a quote from two companies I thought looked reputable, judging from their websites. One company did not response, and the other neglected to quote me but wanted my credit card anyway. I just checked my email and they quoted 75 Euro. HA! I guess we are taking the train. I will try to blog while we are over there but don't expect any pictures until we get back. Wish us luck.

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