Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Honor System

For some reason or another Metro decided that the rail would work on the honer system. I still don't understand why. Every other city that has a rail or subway does not work on the honer system. In fact, you must purchase your ticket and walk through some sort of gate to get the train. I use the train to get to work almost every day of the week at the same time. Everyday on my way to the platform I see the same woman walking up the platform around the time I get there, but she always failing to pay. She is a working professional who always has her blue tooth on and chatting away on the phone. I always pay! In fact I have a Q Card which enables you easy access to pay for your ride. I could not deal with the guilt associated with not paying my dues along with the ticket you can get that is around $75 to $100! Not worth it if you ask me. I have seen the police officers ticketing people and actually getting them off the train. Not worth the humiliation. On top of that, a head Metro publicly stated that the rail is NOT for the homeless! OK? First of all, how are you going to enforce that if you are working on the honer system? Second of all, what a douche. If I was homeless I would ride the rail too if it meant I could get out of the killer heat. Metro, GET IT TOGETHER!

1 comment:

  1. You tell'em Thelma!....I must confess though, I think I might have taken a few free rides...I think with Sammy....
