Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Road

I loved the book and I loved the movie! This is the first movie adaptation that I was not only impressed with but felt that the movie makers did the book justice. If you are not familiar with the book I highly suggest you read it before you see the movie. Now, the book and movie start with a father and son trying to make it to the coast after a world disaster, which is not defined as being caused by war of mother nature. Throughout the story they encounter a new way of life and flash backs of what life used to be. Because Cormic McCarthy's writing was very minimal in the book, the movie makers were able to cover much of the book without leaving major parts of the story out. I don't want to disclose much of the story because I would like for you to be shocked like I was when I read all the gory details. Trust me, even if you read the book and watch the movie later, you will still get the surprised by what you see. I will say this - DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE ALONE!

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